Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Energetic Message: “I have the courage and strength to face the dark challenges in my life.”
Flower Essence: “The Black Cohosh personality has the task of learning to wrestle with shadow parts in the self and in others.”
Doctrine of signatures: The unfurling of the leaves in spring look like a neck rolling up and its roots are black, gnarled and twisted together. The root is often used for people who have had, or feel like they have had, whiplash (physical or emotional) and is especially good for those who have experienced whiplash due to a car accident. It is a great remedy for those who get stuck in dark and defeatist moods. (Referenced from Matthew Wood’s The Book of Herbal Wisdom)
Traditional Medicinal Uses: Black Cohosh has been traditionally been used for centuries for many types of biologically female reproductive problems. Black Cohosh is most notably used now for menopausal hot flashes. It is also useful for premenstrual moodiness, water retention, uterine and muscle spasms, as well as scanty and irregular menses. Other traditional uses included rheumatic pain, high blood pressure, and bronchitis.
Written By Jennifer Helmer Copy Write 2021